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Showing posts from February, 2021

Sometimes , little by little

Sometimes , you don't know when things get started . Small little things add up to become a big thing later. These little things gets started even before you notice them. It's not something specific . May it be anger , frustration , happiness , friendship or even love.  Let's take an example , you know you are not in a good mood today and you get really bad exam results , later , your parents are waiting to see your results with high expectations , next day , the coffee which you usually drink is not available and you even had a bad nightmare ! What all these things further add upto ? Bad mood , bad results , not reaching your parents expectations , nightmare and your unavailable favorite coffee! These things are enough to put you up in a worse mood .  Let's take another example your homework is completed on time , your test went good , your insta post had unusual high likes and you suddenly met someone really nice in your offline started tuition . What all these things

When you're embarrassingly embarrassing!

It happens sometimes when you don't intend to do something , still it happens . And the worst is , it happens in a really bad way! 🙃 We all are similar in one way , i.e. we all does something which is embarrassing as hell! 😅 Sometimes , these leave your mind blank😶🔫 ! And sometimes your face can be more red than the youtube subscribe button! 🙄 We never are ready for any thing like embarrassment in any stage of our life , but yeah , life has unexpected twists! Don't worry , I am not giving any advice or katha about LIFE! 😅 So , my point here is how should we react to these embarrassments? The people whom I admire taught me that embarrassing things sucks , but the way to deal with it is our own choice. According to them , unfortunately we can't do anything in these types of situations , so the only way to deal with it is enjoy it! I know it sounds really illogical😅... But do you people have any other options? And we should obviously accept our own faults and mistakes ,

Unseen yet special

When I literally feel useless and worthless , I go crazy ! 🙄😔 Crazy , in a way , that I would be having an explosion of thoughts in my mind but outside I would be niceuuu😁 ! I think it is normal as everyone does the same! But what happens at this stage with me is a bit unusual! There are few people who comfort me like no other , understands me , and the most important , cheer up my mood and help me to clear up and manage all my so-called-complicated thoughts! Now , what I wonder is I feel really special about those people who play a huge part in my life but I still haven't met them or talked to them . Without meeting them , they can cheer you up , comfort you and also understands you! How can this strong bond be made when you haven't met each other or known about each other? Has it happened with you all ? Do tell me stories about your unseen-yet-special someone in comments! I will be waiting!  Fighting!!! ❤️