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Sometimes , little by little

Sometimes , you don't know when things get started . Small little things add up to become a big thing later. These little things gets started even before you notice them. It's not something specific . May it be anger , frustration , happiness , friendship or even love. 
Let's take an example , you know you are not in a good mood today and you get really bad exam results , later , your parents are waiting to see your results with high expectations , next day , the coffee which you usually drink is not available and you even had a bad nightmare ! What all these things further add upto ? Bad mood , bad results , not reaching your parents expectations , nightmare and your unavailable favorite coffee! These things are enough to put you up in a worse mood . 
Let's take another example your homework is completed on time , your test went good , your insta post had unusual high likes and you suddenly met someone really nice in your offline started tuition . What all these things add upto ? Completed homework , good test , high likes and a really nice person in tuition ! Undoubtedly , a better mood then yesterday ! 
In both these examples , the one thing was common , i.e. unexpected bad or good things . In the bad mood case , you didn't expect these things but they still happened with you and your mood worsened . In the good mood case , you didn't expect these things but they too still happened with you and your mood bettered. 
It all happens little by little , even before you know it would happen... Sometimes , you don't intend to , still you hurt someone's feelings !
Sometimes , you never want to , but are told to follow few rules to keep your grades ! 
Sometimes , you never expect to , still you meet someone with whom you want to share so much but can't due to those norms !
These all 'sometimes' things go unexpectedly but you never know when and from where these unexpectations come from... 
But that's the unexpected reality to live with , life goes on , let's live on~πŸ’œ


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