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Balance it out

Hey there , humans!!!😁
Long time no see , right?
(All blame to these exams 📚 - you people should accept my excuse , don't ask me if I studied or not🙄) 
So , how are you all doing? Am I acting like a long-lost friend? 😅 Never mind , I already know how you people are - as usual! 
So , let's get on today's topic! Do you people like physics? If you like , that's a good thing ; if you don't , bear with me in this blog! 🙃 So students , have you ever got to know about a term 'atmospheric pressure'? Atmospheric pressure is the pressure which is applied by the air around us on every single thing. For example , when you are sitting on your study chair , there's actually a lot of pressure on you i.e. air pressure , the air around you applies pressure on you which your body can bear and you don't feel this pressure physically. 
Now , let's take an example , imagine there's a 1m×1m table . Do you know how much atmosphere pressure is applied on it? It's 1,00,000 Pa , or in simple words , it is equivalent to 10 cars stacked above the table! I know what thought will come next -'Why doesn't this small 1m×1m table collapse under the weight of 10 cars?' Well , your question makes sense! How does this table doesn't break down under such a massive force? It is because when the downward pressure pushes the table down , the upward atmospheric pressure also pushes the table upwards! The downward atmospheric pressure and the upward atmospheric pressure are equal and balance out. Thus , both the pressures balances each other out , preventing table to collapse. Got it? 
Now that you've understood the atmospheric pressure in the terms of physics , let's study as per thoughtful way. Imagine the atmospheric pressure as your pressure such as parents' expectations , good grades , exams , life , society and such these things . Think as if you are the table and have that pressure. This pressure is the downward atmospheric pressure which puts you downwards , towards the gravity , towards the bottom , towards your lower limits ; and what do you have to do now? You need some upward pressure to balance the downward pressure. If you have a strong and equivalent upward pressure , you i.e. the table will remain intact! If the upward pressure is less than the downward pressure , the table will collapse in no time! So , all you need is the upward pressure , to keep you intact , preventing from collapsing and keeping you strong! So , what's that upward pressure? It's none other than positive vibes. ✨ If there is too much pressure on you , you can totally bear it if you are filled with positiveness! I know that everyone says to be positive and live life happily , but it's not easy to be positive , right? No need to think too big and over-expect things from yourselves. Just try to be positive in small ways. Like , every incident that happened with you today , remember it when you go to sleep and find out at least one good thing in it. 
Also , there won't always be someone to motivate you ; at some moment of your life , you will need to motivate yourself up!
Balance out the pressures in your life with the help of goodness , positiveness. I know it's easy to write and say 'be positive' but hard to do so. So , let me just say 'try your hardest to be positive! Just love yourself! 💜' and that's all that matters! You won't collapse if you put equal pressure of positiveness on your stressing pressures! 
I hope you found out something positive from my blog too! Always balance the pressures and you won't collapse! Stay strong just as the table! 
Thank you for reading as always! ✨

(P.S. I am not a physics student and hence don't know much about pressures , in case I did few mistakes in it , please don't mind! 😅) 


Mitsu✨ said…
Ahhh so good❤...physics seemed so simple here����
Dhanshree⁷ said…
I am glad you found physics simple atleast in my blog 😅😁 @Mitsu✨

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