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What computer keys teach us?

 Hey there , humans!!!😁

Good to see you people again after 3 long weeks! (I haven't actually counted the time period so I can be wrong :p) 

I am providing you 5 seconds to act as if you're shocked! 5...4...3...2...1! For those who didn't understood why have I told you people to be shocked , may I have the chance to explain ? So , if you're a regular reader who reads my blog on daily basis , you may have noticed the change in it! I changed my blog name! Yeah , I changed it! So , my blog was officially 'My open secrets' before and now it's 'Philosophy of self' , okay? *presuming you nodded while reading* Okay! I actually had thought a lot to decide the name 'My open secrets' and changing it to something else was damn hard :'(  [It actually was hard , believe me or not] If you want to know the reason why I changed the blog name , let's talk personally , my email is out there in my profile ;) And here's the link of my 'old-blog-but-new-name' blog if you want to copy

Now , let's get back to the blog for which you have clicked on this not-so-interesting blog's link +_+ ! So , if you guys remember , I explained balancing pressures in one of my latest blogs , that means physics! And today , I am back with Computer! Wow! Can a person be this intelligent? Probably not (~ ̄³ ̄)~  Maybe I will explain economics in next and then history in next to next! Get your books and pens ready , students! Just kidding <3 

So , let's start with this computer related(maybe) blog! Ready , go! 

We all know the keys of a computer/laptop . And we all also know the keys CONTROL(ctrl) , ALTER(alt) and DELETE (del) , right? We never look at ordinary things with extraordinary or a different point of view , do we? (By this , I obviously don't mean that I am an extraordinary creature who has an IQ of 100000) So , once I was searching for aesthetic wallpapers for phone (I hope I am not going too personal) and I found something really nice! Actually , really really nice! Here's the image! 

(Source: Google)

Have we ever seen or thought about the computer keys in this way? Probably not! And I am being honest , I too never thought like this. 

Control yourself - By this , it doesn't actually mean you to limit yourself! You're limitless ! So, in here , what does control mean? As per my thinking , it means to control yourself in a matured way. Maybe , it tells us to be matured , to move on from bad things and the past and think big! And mind it , it doesn't mean to act like a matured person! You are who you are , you can behave and act as you are but your mindset should be controlled. Controlled - avoidance from the bad things , maybe? You are the controller of your life. Like , you are the painter of your canvas of life. (I know majority of you had already heard this quote , but still I repeated ; you should know you're the master of your sea!) 

Alter your thinking - By this , it can be assumed that they are saying to alter our thoughts a bit. What I think is we should change our mindset as per changing times. Few things are changing with time , and we - young , teen , adult or elder need to alter our thinking as per the things changing. People have a mindset of their own and many don't even want to change it. People , we-need-to-evolve! Change is the process of life. If you still are thinking backwards , it's high time you should ALTER YOUR THINKING!

Delete Negativity - Yeah , so... Do I even need to explain this? Everyone knows how negativity drags you down , taking you far away from your goals. To delete negativity , just enter positivity! Wait , am I making you confused? 😅 So , what I mean , and as we all know , negativity is the worst thing that could ever happen to someone. And I am not even kidding. A last-stage cancer patient can live his last 2-3 months of life spending time with his beloved ones as his last memory ; but if he thinks that he'll die before that and rest in his hospital bed , crying for his misfortune and eventually dies with pain in his heart -which situation do you find better? The first one! See , in this , I don't have much to say , negativity is really bad - regardless of the situation! Stay positive! And again , I know it's simple and quick to say 'be positive' and hard to actually do so ; there are moments when you just can't feel positive. So , let me just say 'try your hardest to be positive' , okay? *Presuming you nodded a hundred times in front of your screen and gave me a thumbs up* Okay! 

Well , that's all for the day!

Thank you for reading as always!✨



Srija Das said…
Such a creative and unusual article!!
You explained it too well<3

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