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What is LGBTQ community?

Hey there , humans!!!😁

Ever thought why isn't it 'Hey there , ladies and gentlemen!!!' ? And yeah , it can be ladies and gentlemen , boys and girls , mister and miss too ; so why just 'humans'? 
Well , that's the thing we are going to talk about in today's blog and yes , it can be a bit long ; so if you are still reading this with-not-so-interesting-grammar blog , I am glad! πŸ’œ
Let's get started! We all have this mentality since our birth that it's always a HE and a SHE , a MAN and a WOMAN and a MALE and a FEMALE , don't we? But why is it just two of them? We all know there are transgender people out there too. So why the need to discriminate in just two?
As you may have guessed it , today's topic is on LGBTQ community! ✨ Quite interesting or maybe , for few , quite uninteresting. First things first , there are many who know about this thing and that's good! Few don't know anything about this ; if it is so , this blog is for you.
Many people presume that the gay and lesbians consists of the whole LGBTQ community , but that's just half correct! Here's the full form of the LGBTQ:
L - Lesbian
G - Gay 
B - Bisexual
T - Transgender
Q - Questioning
Don't worry , I will ellaborate the meaning of every term. Actually , LGBTQ is divided into two parts , the first three terms that is L,G&B focuses more on the love relationships and T&Q focuses more on the gender/sex they choose to be in. Let's elaborate each of their meaning now: 
Lesbian - This means that females have same-sex relationships i.e. they are homosexual. A female loves a female ; not just in a friendly way but sexually. Females are sexually attracted towards females and not in males.
Gay - This means that males have same-sex relationships i.e. they are homosexual. A male loves a male ; not just in a friendly way but sexually. Males are sexually attracted towards males and not in females. (Sorry , I copy-pasted it πŸ˜…)
Bisexual - Now this is a really nice term! A male can love a female too and a male too . And in the same way , a female can love a male too and a female too. That means , they can love people from their sex or from the opposite sex too. It's their choice to love the one they choose , despite of their gender. 
Transgender (Trans) - Generally , at the time of a child's birth , doctor looks at the body of the child and declares whether they're a boy or a girl , right? But what if that child grow up and thinks of being of the opposite gender? For example , I am a girl physically , but what if my mind and heart wants to be a boy? I mean , it's my wish to be the gender I want to be in. And I can be a boy if I want , right? It depends on me. Some people think transgender are neither male nor female , they're the combination of both. Well , there are trans woman and trans man. A transgender woman lives being a woman today , but was a male when born . Similarly , a transgender man lives being a man today , but was a female when born.
Questioning - 'The questioning of one's sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender, or all three is a process of exploration by people who may be unsure, still exploring, or concerned about applying a social label to themselves for various reasons.' - Wikipedia states. In a simple way , these are the people who are not sure of their gender - male , female or trans , not sure whether they are homosexual or heterosexual and feel their sexuality is fluid are 'Questioning' . They don't come out as one sure sexuality or gender. They are the Questioning ones.
Now , I think you people know something about LGBTQ community. In India , it was made legal since 2018. It is legal to change the gender or to be gay , lesbian or bisexual. But yet , same-sex marriage is not allowed in the nation. Though , adoption by single-handed LGBTQ people is allowed , but not by same-sex couples. According to 2019 opinion poll , half of the population of India was objecting same-sex relationships and that's really unfortunate. There are many people who still think relationships like lesbians or gay and gender like trans shouldn't exist. (Sorry to hurt the feelings of those who are one of LGBTQ , but yeah , that's the truth)
If straight people just think about the pains of the homosexual and trans , I think the world would be more better. How will they have kids if they want? It is still not legal to adopt kids by the same-sex couples. And have we ever thought of 'coming out' thing of the homosexuals? They want to tell their parents and friends and the society that they're gay or lesbian or bisexual or trans , but how? Few LGBTQ are bold and brave about this coming out thing , but what about those who aren't? Many these people fear to come out as their sexuality or gender because of the norms of the society. The 'normal' according to society is being straight and the gender in which you're biologically born. But why to just be normal when you can be - YOU?! Just be yourself! It is only and only your wish to be who you are. "As a side note, don’t you think everyone should have to come out? Why is straight the default? Everyone should have to declare one way or another, and it should be this big awkward thing whether you're straight, gay, bi, or whatever." - This is one of my favourite quotes from the book 'Simon Vs. the homosapiens agenda' and it is damn true!(By the way , this book is worth-reading!✨) Everyone needs to come out , not just the homosexual or trans people. Many parents presume that their child is going to marry the opposite sex , but it ain't compulsory. It depends on the child. And let me be very honest , it's not always that a girl will bring home a groom and a boy will bring home a bride only! Parents absolutely need to teach children about the LGBTQ community. Parents also need to accept their child as they are - homosexual or trans. There are many trans people out there who weren't accepted by their own family and the worst thing is , trans people don't even get a job if they want to work. There are just a few companies who hire transgenders! What will the other transgenders unable to find a job do? Think about it guys! 
On a serious note , we need to change our mentality that 'being straight is the default and being the gender in which you're in physically is your gender'! We can be what we want to be , we need to just love ourselves and that will bring the change! πŸ’œ
Awareness should be increased about LGBTQ community and I hope dear readers , you will convey this information to others too.
That's all for today's blog! (or say, today's long , long blog πŸ˜…)
Thanks for reading as always! ✨


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