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Showing posts from June, 2021

There's no STOP!

Hey there , humans!!!😁 I am back with a new blog! I hope you people 'remember' me...remember...a stupid girl who's confused and is confusing with not-so-interesting-blogs? Aka , me! Glad to post another not-so-interesting-blog! Ready, go! What can you make out from the title today? Generally , my title for blogs are straight-forward and a bit boring ( yeah , I know they're boring ; you better not lie to me ) So, maybe your small useless brain is thinking about the meaning behind the title now ; and if it isn't , you need  to get a consultancy from a doctor because your brain has stopped processing at all ;) ( I hope I'm not roasting you too much , wait , do I see your face turn red? Whatever , let's continue  ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯)  If it were me , I would possibly think that the author is writing about 'There's no stop to us' or 'We're limitless' or 'We can do anything!' sort of thing. You thought something like that? So , I sho

Let success be the identity

Hey there , humans!!!😁 So , my mind is like a damaged bulb - sometimes it lits up and sometimes its dim. So yeah, my brain gets ideas few times but its fuse goes off at many times 😅 And yes , I know that I need consistency in writing which i lack a lot but atleast I do write ; unlike you people who just yawn at my blogs and forget the things I write in no time after reading ;) But let's not get to that point , otherwise I can write a whole novel on my lazy dear readers!😂 Just kidding , atleast you people do read my blogs and that shows more than enough support 。◕‿◕。 Let's get to the point for today! Let me ask you a riddle - 'What's the thing which is only yours , yet is majorly used by others?' Think. Okay , now stop. The answer is your name! Easy , right? Your name is yours but always used by others! How? Because your friends and family call you by your name. The riddle isn't that good but not that bad either ; actually it's related to today's topic

What computer keys teach us?

 Hey there , humans!!!😁 Good to see you people again after 3 long weeks! (I haven't actually counted the time period so I can be wrong :p)  I am providing you 5 seconds to act as if you're shocked! 5...4...3...2...1! For those who didn't understood why have I told you people to be shocked , may I have the chance to explain ? So , if you're a regular reader who reads my blog on daily basis , you may have noticed the change in it! I changed my blog name! Yeah , I changed it! So , my blog was officially 'My open secrets' before and now it's 'Philosophy of self' , okay? *presuming you nodded while reading* Okay! I actually had thought a lot to decide the name 'My open secrets' and changing it to something else was damn hard :'(  [It actually was hard , believe me or not] If you want to know the reason why I changed the blog name , let's talk personally , my email is out there in my profile ;) And here's the link of my 'old-blog-b