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There's no STOP!

Hey there , humans!!!😁

I am back with a new blog! I hope you people 'remember' me...remember...a stupid girl who's confused and is confusing with not-so-interesting-blogs? Aka , me! Glad to post another not-so-interesting-blog! Ready, go!
What can you make out from the title today? Generally , my title for blogs are straight-forward and a bit boring (yeah , I know they're boring ; you better not lie to me) So, maybe your small useless brain is thinking about the meaning behind the title now ; and if it isn't , you need to get a consultancy from a doctor because your brain has stopped processing at all ;) (I hope I'm not roasting you too much , wait , do I see your face turn red? Whatever , let's continue ¯\_( ͡° ͜Κ– ͡°)_/¯) 
If it were me , I would possibly think that the author is writing about 'There's no stop to us' or 'We're limitless' or 'We can do anything!' sort of thing. You thought something like that? So , I should now mention the actual meaning behind the title. It isn't a title stating that you can't be stopped or a self-motivational quote , rather it's just the opposite! I just read a book IT ENDS WITH US by Colleen Hoover and what I learnt from it is exactly what I am gonna write today (other than roasting you lazy people out there . Hehe (◔‿◔)). 
Now imagine that your dream is true. For example , you thought of becoming a millionaire , with a family and buying your favourite car. And one day , maybe after 5 months , or 5 years , or 5 decades - regardless of the duration , you become a millionaire , have loving family and your favourite car(s) is out there in your big garage. What will you think then? That , all your dreams came true , that it feels like dream , that you worked damn hard for this time to come and now here it is! Your wish list is completed! But now what? In this situation , all we think is that we want nothing else from the life now. That finally , what you dreamt before , you've achieved today. You want your life to be like this from now on. You feel utterly happy in this moment that you never want to leave this moment. You want to hold onto this time and live like this , peacefully and happily. BUT , mind it , the more you hold onto something , the more it slips away. 
This is where many go wrong , not with their life but with their expectations. They expect their life is gonna be this good from now on. That what they've achieved is the stop to them. That they've reached the goal. But people , was life a goal? It's a journey ; it never was a destination. You can't ever stop. When we think that things are at last going at it's best , it will take a turn. It will never ever STOP.  See, this is reality , we can never hold onto something . Everything that comes in your life is like rain ; sometimes it will rain heavily and sometimes it'll just be a shower. Sometimes it will end soon and sometimes it'll end after a long time. Sometimes it will be pure and gentle , sometimes it'll be toxic and cause a flood. But what we need to know is - eventually , whether the rain is good or bad , it'll end. I repeat , it will end. Sometimes the rain will have a huge impact on your life and sometimes it won't. So , what I am trying to say here with all this philosophical-katha-sort-of-talks? That , every beautiful moment of your life will eventually end. As I said , you can't hold onto something forever. What you need to do then? Just experience the best moment of life with all your heart. That's the only thing you can do to make it a beautiful memory. 
And again , you can't stop! Whether you've reached your goal or in the process , you can't stop. There's a quote in the book DareDreamers : 'You move up the ladder to find another ladder.' True , right? After moving up , you have two options-continue moving up or experience a downfall. Whether to experience this or that , the only thing that is fixed is - you'll have to move.
I hope I am making sense in this blog _-_ And yes , if you wonder that I am too young to write about all this adult things , you are right maybe. I am too young to understand it fully , but atleast I can express my views and opinions and thoughts about things I think. That's what I've made this blog for! :)
Well , thanks for reading till the end of this blog , I appreciate your very very hard work of scrolling your screen with your mere little finger ;)
That's all for the day and again , remember , "There's no STOP - there can be a PAUSE but then you'll have to switch the PLAY button , sooner or later." 

[PS. I know I have written way too many stop's in this blog and it may be irritating but it was necessary to write to make you people aware about the fact that there's more after achieving your goals. And yeah , I know repetitive words make my english look worse than ever , but well that's how it is - my english was never really that good :')]


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