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Masks to uncover

Today , I am going to talk about a topic which every one knows . It's about masks. Not the masks which help you protect from germs and viruses ; not the masks which we use for our skincare routine. 
So then , which masks am I talking about? Well , the answer is the invisible masks on our faces! Your brain would ask you now 'Has science made some invisible masks ?' The answer is no! It's not about science and AI. It's the mask which we people wear to hide our true emotions from the people around us.
We people seem to be happy from the outside , but that's just because we want our friends and family to be relieved that we are going good. We don't want them to be stressed about our condition. Now , sometimes , there are people who just tells everything to their closest friends or maybe family too! So , this means they don't have any secret left out between them. Yeah , that's true ; but , telling your deepest secrets and talks doesn't mean you have revealed your face without this mask. Think a bit about it. Your closest friends knows what's going on in your life , but do they know what's going on in your mind? Do they know what's going on in your heart? Do they know how you feel ? If they know every little emotion of yours then you have a shoulder to lean on , you are blessed! 
What we people think is , 'my best friend knows everything about me and so we are best friends' or 'my lover knows what I am going through in this condition , we were destined to meet' , I think this is all true but maybe you still have a mask on your face to reveal. They know your trueself , I agree ; but , do you know your true emotions?
You find people happy and bubbly when you see them , but they aren't that happy from the inside. When you're talking to them , they tell you everything that's going on with their life , but do they tell you what's going on in their mind and heart? 
Their is a line in the lyrics of a song 'Everyone seems happy' , isn't it true? Everyone seems to be happy from outside , but it isn't obvious that they're from the inside . 
The fact with us , humans is , IF YOU UNCOVER ONE LAYER OF MASK , YOU WILL JUST FIND ANOTHER! You agree , right?


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