It happens at some point of time , when you want a to take a break from everything. (Don't worry , I am not promoting KitKat 😅😂) Sometimes , you want to let yourself fly. Sometimes , you want to enjoy yourself without anyone interrupting you and your thoughts with their rules and expectations. When you are restless , you want a break . Suppose , you got your break off your boring yet busy life , now what? Ever thought what would you do in that 24 hours freedom of yours? Your miseries in life are tiring , exhausting and making you restless , but , your miseries won't go off even if you have your break!
What to do of the break if you still can't get rid of the restlessness in you , can you? What will freedom do?
In few cases , what you need is not the freedom but to tell your restlessness to someone , someone whom you trust!
Sometimes , it happens you can't accept your true emotions. What to do when you find out what your hearts wants is the exact opposite of what your mind says? It is normal that you find yourself complicated a lot! Your heart(emotional side of yours) wants something which your brain(sensible side of yours) doesn't! It happens that you want to say something to someone so badly but can't express . We are sometimes too afraid to tell few things to someone.(By the way , I am not just talking about love here) We also know that the thing your heart wants , will not lead you somewhere excellent or you'd be successful , but it will make you happy!
Your brain says things that are sensible , according to rules , according to society. Your heart says things that will make you happy and what your trueself wants. It also sometimes confesses the things which , your brain thinks are useless and just a barrier in your life. What to do if your brain doesn't understand the things which are at your heart? You know what you want , you accept what you want , but , it happens that you can't tell that thing to anyone. So , when your brain doesn't want to do the things which your heart wants , simply tell those things to someone. But how ? Not anyone can understand your emotions , right? Tell everything you want to tell to a piece of paper! Yeah , you read it right! A piece of paper i.e. a book , to be more precise , a diary!
It is not easy to say the things your heart wants to someone , you just can't! Also , you can't do or implement the things which your heart wants but brain doesn't let you do it. Mostly , the sensible side of yours take control over yourselves. People , in most cases , listen to their mind as it will tell you what is right. But your heart will tell you what's your true wish and happiness. Isn't it? You can't tell your feelings to someone and you need to share everything. Tell whatever your heart says to your diary! If you think about a person and want to say few things to him/her , write it down! See , it's just that easy! If you want to open up your heart , open it , to your diary! If you can't express few feelings of yours to someone , write it down!
There are three advantages-
# You can open up your heart and share all your feelings!
# If you can't do what your heart wants and just follow the sensible side of yours , then atleast you can tell it all to a piece of paper and be relieved that it won't tell your things and feelings to anyone!
# 'Paper has more patience than people' (-Anne Frank)
So , I hope you got my point. I know that not everyone is interested in writing a diary , but writing will let yourself open up in front of atleast one person without any mask (I hope you're getting me😅) ! And you don't need to write a diary if you already have someone to whom you can share every bit of your heart. Writing a diary is not compulsory , but can help you a lot!
Take some time off your schedule and try it for yourself! Enjoy this kind of freedom of writing too sometimes!
[P.S. : Sorry for the not-so-interesting grammar and repetitive words and phrases in this blog 🥲 ! Also , sorry if the things mentioned in the blog are too messed up and a bit off-track ; I was having a cyclone of thoughts and feelings while writing this blog 🙄 . And do read 'The Diary of a young girl' if you haven't , I swear you need to read it! ✨]
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