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Normalising Ourselves?!

Today's blog can be more like a speech ; I mean , it can be boring and quite uninteresting , so if you're still gonna read it , thanks a lot!πŸ˜…πŸ˜
First of all , what is society? "A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations." - This is what I found on Wikipedia πŸ™„πŸ™ƒ! Now , I think most of you didn't even read or understood the hard and boring definition . So , let me explain you in my way. Society is what we live in. Not physically , but mentally. You and I consist of the society. We all live with a mentality of what others usually say , do or judge ; it's because of the society , the term 'normal' can be defined.
But wait , what is normalcy? Or , what is it being normal?πŸ€” Also , which normal am I talking about in here? Normal is a term in physics, and maths and also a term which is used by us , the society. "Normal is conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected." - This is what I found online. πŸ˜… So , in simple ways , living a life as every other person lives and behaving as every other person does can be considered normal by the judgemental eyes of the society. Right? 
So , let me ask you , 'Are you normal?' Now your mind would think about the answer of this question which I have asked. But what's your answer or do you have an answer? Have you ever thought if you're normal or not? We always think 'I am stupid' or 'I am weird' or 'I am better than others' and many other things about ourselves. In short , every person thinks about himself/herself in a different way , right? Few people are bubbly and happy , few are stressed out and philosophical , few are confident and bold , few are introverts and few are extroverts. We have many many kinds of people living in this society. That simply means , every single person is different . So , if everyone is different , their behaviour , deeds , thoughts , dreams and many other things can be different too. Still , we , as in society , expect similar or same things from everyone , we expect everyone to be normal. We bound ourselves to live as the society standards. Why? We know we all are different ; you are different from me , I am different from you! So why do we need to be normal? And if someone is not normal , why do we expect him/her to normalize himself/herself? We just simply need to accept the fact that everyone is unique and every single viewpoint of every single person matters! 
I just completed one of the Chetan Bhagat's book , and I took a quote out - 'Why can't we be a normal family for once? I thought. I guess there are no normal families in the world. Everyone is a psyso , and the average of all psychos is what we call normal.' True words , right? Everyone is psycho behind his/her own problems and life , if we take the average of all psychos , we'll find one psycho who is neither least psycho nor most psycho. He's/She's the pysho whom we call normal, maybe.
Got the point what I am trying to prove here? Everyone is unique and everyone is important! There is no need to become a 'normal person' in life if you're happy with yourself! It's okay if not everyone will like you , but the thing is everyone should accept you. You agree , right?  I accept you as you are! Just be yourself , speak yourself , love yourself! πŸ’œ


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