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The three strange words

Intro - Before starting with the blog , I have few things to say. First of all , those who have presumed that the three words are 'i love you' or something ; sorry dude , you are wrong . The second thing is I am just trying to state my thinking and researchs about these concepts i.e. déjà vu , jamais Vu and hallucination . I am in no way trying to prove the science theories and other explanations wrong . Below are the possibilities which I think may or may not be true. Thirdly , this blog is for those who don't know a single thing about these three terms ; I know many people already know what déjà vu , jamais Vu and hallucination is , so this blog is for those who never researched about these mysterious words. Fourth , I am not promoting BTS here , but the song which I have stated below is truely and beautifully expressing jamais Vu . And fifth and the last thing , this blog can be bit long , so if you're still gonna read it , I owe you 💜!

That's all for the disclaimer , now let's get the show started! ✨

1. Déjà Vu

A lot of people would already be knowing what déjà vu is. Few people know the definition , but haven't experienced it yet . And few people have experienced it , but never realised that what they've experienced was déjà vu. So actually , what is déjà vu? First things first , this is a French word for 'already seen' . Does that mean everything which we have already seen is déjà vu? If I see my night clothes for the thirteenth time in this month , is it a déjà vu?  No! It is not a materialistic concept. It's about experience , and not the things! 
Let's start with imagining things , imagine you are with your best friend in a park , under a blue sky , on the bench , gossiping about the singers you like. And suddenly , a wave of sensation hits you! You feel that the same thing has already happened with you. You have already sat with someone in a park , under the same blue sky , on the same bench and talking and gossiping exactly like how you are doing just now. You feel that you have already experienced this thing before , but in reality , you haven't actually experienced the same thing before! You feel something which is difficult to describe in words. The sensation ends as soon as it started! In no time , you come back to reality and try to figure out what has happened just now. You people are getting me , right? Déjà vu is not something that can be explained in words , but I am trying my level best 😁! So , have you got some idea about déjà vu? It is a sensation that hits you that you have already been in the situation before but actually you haven't been in the situation before! Hmm , interesting! And if you have experienced something like this before , most probably it was déjà vu. Roughly , 60-80% people have experienced this phenomenon . Shocking right? It is actually normal if you've gone through a déjà vu. A website said that if you're experiencing way too much of déjà vu , means , many a times in a month , it is better to consult a doctor. If you're interested in knowing more , you can read all the other theories and explainations on Google.

2. Jamais Vu

So now , what is jamais Vu? In simple manner , jamais Vu is the opposite of déjà vu. Jamais Vu is a French word too , which means 'never seen' . Jamais Vu is also sort of the same sensation which we feel in déjà vu. But the thing is , you feel the situation very unfamiliar or happening with you for the first time . The reality is that you've already been through the situation before but still feel that it is unfamiliar and happening for the first time! When this happens , people presume that you've just blacked out , but actually you've just experienced jamais vu! Usually , less people experience jamais vu. I too just have experienced déjà vu but never jamais vu , so it is a bit hard for me to explain too 😅. 
Here's is a song by BTS who have explained jamais vu in a song Jamais Vu. Here are the lyrics!✨

I think I lost again
You look mad
In a blur, game over over over
 If this was truly a game,
I could probably just load up again
I guess I gotta
Deal with this, deal with this
Real world
 It'd be better actually, if this was really a game.
Because It pains me so much
I need to heal my medic
But I'm another star
I blame myself who couldn't be perfect
Brake in my head,
Brake in my step, always
I wanted to do well
I wanted to make you smile..damn
 Please give me a remedy
A remedy that will make my heart beat again
What should I do now
Please save me, give me another chance
Please give me a
 A remedy, a melody
A memory that will be left behind just for me
If I stop at this point
If I just turn it off, everything will be more comfortable
 I'm okay but I'm not okay
I told myself I'm used to it
But I'm in pain like it's the first time
 A lacking gamer, you're right, you can't control me.
I keep hurting cause of my repeated mistakes and
50 thousand other things.
My song lyrics, my one body gesture
All of my words become afraid of my jamais vu
and try to escape. But still, you grab it.
My shadow becomes bigger
My life and you equal(=)sign
So my remedy is your remedy
 Please give me a remedy
A remedy that will make my heart beat again
What should I do now
Please save me, give me another chance
Please give me a
I continue running, and I stumble again
Although I repeat countless times
I'm gonna continue running
 So give me a remedy
A remedy that will make my heart beat again
What should I do now
Please save me, give me another chance
 Please give me a remedy
(Is this a success? I returned)
A remedy that will make my heart beat again
(I will focus and will reach you no matter what.
Falling, stumbling)
What should I do now?
(The familiar pain attacks me the same way)
Save me
It's not easy this time either
Please give me another chance
(Will I give up, you ask? No, no never)
I won't give up
Listen the song here 👇

If you have experienced Jamais Vu or déjà vu , do tell me how does it feel!

3. Hallucination

A perception of having seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled something that wasn't actually there. - Google search answer! You see , hear , touch , taste or smell something which is not even there! This means , you see someone who isn't actually there , or , you hear something which actually no one else heard other than you! Mysterious! How can you see something which isn't actually there? Mostly , the websites and researchs say that the cause of hallucination is due to high intake of drugs or alcohol. I think our mind becomes impractical or irrational when gone high due to alcohol and drugs consumption. And thus , causes the listening , seeing , tasting or smelling of those things which aren't there actually! What I have learnt from movies and all other stuff is that , when your mind gets very emotional and very very stressed , you see and hear your loved ones too 🤔😅. I don't know if this movie thing is true always or not but maybe hallucinations do occur without alcohol or drug consumption too. Well , hallucinations are also caused due to this mental illness called Schizophrenia. Mostly , auditory hallucinations occur to people , i.e. they hear certain voices! Hallucinations is a bit of trouble-some concept if you're going through it as it is an effect of mental illness . There are in total five different types of hallucinations. So if you're interested in knowing about hallucinations more , search it out! 

Outro - That's all for the day! I just wrote this blog to acknowledge you people about these three concepts! There are few more interesting concepts like teleportation and time travel and what not! But I chose to write about these three! 
Thanks for reading! 🤗


Aagna Thakkar said…
Thank you for sharing this😇. Few years back, I had experienced Déjà Vu and I didn't realise that there's something like this happening with many😅... And I didn't even know these words previously🤭, thank you once again👍🏻.
Dhanshree⁷ said…
Well , thanks to you too for reading!✨😁 I am delighted that you found out that what you've experienced was déjà vu.😁

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