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Why stress , just relax!

Hey there , humans!!! 😁

I know the title is as fabulous as me , thank you. ;)

How are your days going? I hope better than what you expected ; and if not , try to make them better :) Still if you can't , come over to me. I will show you my contagious smile and certainly your day would be a bit better. Dear readers , today's post is a bit rushed and hence may be a mess , kindly co-operate with my poor writing style :')

So everyone , do you think? Of course , you do! But , do you unnecessarily think overthink? People , there comes a time when you just can't help but think. Think about those things which are not worthy enough to be thought by your precious brain. Thinking about the things of which you already don't have control over. Still you think. And no , thinking isn't the problem ; the problem is to think of the stuff which you already know won't be affected by your thinking. (I hope y'all are getting me and not thinking that these are just tongue twisters :')) See, to put it up in simpler words , thinking is still okay but stressing over it again and again knowing that it won't be effective is what you shouldn't do. Why taking so much stress? 

Sometimes you have need to chill a bit and give your mind a break. For example , stressing about 'future which is unknown' is useless. Ya , I know that the best way to predict your future is to create it but still few things can't be decided. At many moments , it's needed to apply the rule 'Let it go by with the flow' in your life. Because , you never know what positive or negative things is going to be thrown next at you by life. It's better to stop stressing over few things when it isn't actually required. Stressing and being obsessed over your unknown future won't lead you anywhere , will it? And yes , I do understand that you simply can't just stop all your thinking. It's not easy to say to your brain, "Hey you stupid little brain , can you please stop your nuisance and lemme sleep peacefully?" , is it? Will your brain stop? Haha , no! Think , but don't stress. Always , console yourself that this is a phase which you think is hard but let it go by with the flow. Stressing will make you worse , won't it? 

Personally , I believe in fate and destiny sort of stuff. If something is bound to happen , it will happen. If , at present, we focus just on the present and give it our best , it is more than enough. Just manage the things in your hands properly ; what you know can't be controlled by you doesn't need to be stressed about. Things will happen if they will have to , right? 

Let's stop stressing over small things which aren't needed to be stressed about. Let's just go by with the flow and believe in destiny. Let's try being a bit less of a depressed person and try to be happy about what we actually have at present with us. Let's just live the present and be happy about the things we have control over. Okay? *presuming you nodded while reading* Okay! 

So guys , I have faith in you!💜 Hope you try your hardest on not stressing over small little things! 

Well , that's all for the day! :)

Thanks for reading as always!✨


[ PS : I realised I didn't roasted y'all in today's post! Oh my god! But no problem ^^;; Will keep all the roasting stuffs for the next blog ;) hehe. Also , I know you guys would be thinking 'What stresses would a 16-year-old teenager be having? A boyfriend? Career? Likes on Instagram?' Ya , you are right. What great stress will I be having that I am writing this katha sort-of blog here? Many people have bigger greater stresses than me. But , that's how it is. I share my thoughts in here because of course writing is my thing! :D ]


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